Monday, September 5, 2016

La Familia
Notesheet for today:

Review Family Vocabulary
Review pronouns and the verb Ser
Practice sentences about family
Audio practice
Quinceañera presentation

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Homework for Tuesday, September 6th

1.   Get your Expectation sheet signed by parent or guardian.
2.   Have a binder with tabs for organization for Spanish class
3.   Define the words on your family vocabulary list.

See link below for a copy of words

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Bienvenidos a la clase de Español
Señora Tavares

Chapter 3-
En mi familia
Students will be able to:
- talk about the family.
-apply adjectives to family members
- talk about age
-use comparisons to describe family members

**Puerto Rico


Family Vocabulary

La Cultura de Puerto Rico

La quinceañera
What is it?
What are the components of a Quinceañera?
Do you think that it is important to have a celebration like this?
How is it different from a Sweet 16 party in the United States?
How much does this celebration cost?
If you had $4,000 to spend on a Quinceñera, what would your day/items looks like?

****you and your partner will create a google presentation about a Quinceañera. Answer the questions and provide visuals for the class.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Folder Project/Part of final

Acrostic Poem using your Name. Write what you eat and drink.

Use the Final outline and create a folder with the material.

1.Write 3 sentences about what you learned about Spanish Culture.
2. Write 5 sentences reflecting on this year in Spanish. Was it a hard class? Easy class? Things that you learned grammatically and how they are different from English.


Monday, June 6, 2016

Final Areas

Here are the things that you should know for the Final.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

La comida- Food


Vocabulary List for this Chapter

Link to pictures of vocabulary:

Quizlet Link:

Para ahora

Monday, May 9, 2016

Class work for Tuesday

Practice Games for Ar Verb endings:

The verbs that end with Ar are the ones that you have to know for Thursday along with your endings.

Complete the activities below on a separate piece of paper. This will be collected on Thursday.





Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Homework for Wednesday, May 4th

Homework for Wednesday

1. Finish your map of a city. Include at least 8 places and please label your map with the location words in Spanish.

2. Write 5 sentences about where you go to.    Example- Yo voy al banco.

3. Write 5 sentences about where the places are in your town using the verb Estar.                          Example- El banco está a la izquierda del parque.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

the verb Ir

¿A dónde van ellos?

We will be watching the movie La Misma Luna in class. Pay attention to the personal struggles of these characters, stereotypes/misconceptions by other people towards the main characters and where they are going.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Next quiz is on Wednesday

Quiz on the following:
1. classroom items
2. estar
3. hay
4. direction words

Be prepared to listen to sentences and translate.
Be prepared to write about where items are.

Notebook check Areas:

1. Notes on the verb Ser
2. Vocabulary list with adjectives (nice, funny)
3. Notes on time
4. Notes on numbers up to 100
5. Vocabulary list with time, classes, frequency
6. Notes on estar with direction words
7. Notes on el,la, un,una   **definite and indefinite articles
8. Vocabulary list with classroom items
9. Notes on making words plural
10. Binder with tabs, sections and/or organization

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Choose any 5 classroom items and place them into a google slide. Describe the slide by telling me where the items are. Use vocaroo to record your description.

-5 pictures
-use of estar
- use of de+la and de+el

Reading Comprehension Activity
Listening Activity

Or instruct them to sign up at and
join your class with the following code: y7dzuw

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

In class work for Wednesday

Part 1-Listening

Letter A

Letter B

Part 2-Answer the following questions about the reading.

1.  What kind of student is Elena?
2.  What class does she like to study for?
3.   At what time is Spanish class?
4.   At what time is art class?
5.   What is something that she does after school?

Part 3- write out the answers to the math problems in Spanish

Part 4- Write the letter of the correct response for each question.

Monday, March 7, 2016


Estar- to be, location


Write some sentences in Spanish to describe where these items are.


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Homework for Monday.

Upload your photos of 5 "backpacks". (Drawn in class).
Create a google presentation with 5 slides and insert one photo per slide. Write a sentence about
each photo telling me what people have in their backpack.

Use a variety of people in your sentences. Ex- I have, She has, We have, They have, He has

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Chapter 2, Unit 2

Vocabulary List:

Link to packet:

Possessive adjectives:

Activity in class:
1. Take a photo of 5 "backpacks", one of them is yours
2. Write a sentence about what these people have in their backpack.
3. Place the photos and the sentences in a google presentation. You will share this in class.

Complete the audio activity with the verb estar.

A.   Translate the following sentences and draw what is being said.  1-5

Thursday, February 25, 2016

In class work on Friday

Complete the following activities on a separate piece of paper. I will collecting this on Tuesday of next week. Please make sure that you do this. I will not take it late because you have plenty of time to get this done. Play your classmates vocabulary games from the previous post when you are done. See you next week. Hasta pronto.




4. What are your thoughts about having school uniforms? Read the information below and share your thoughts.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Quiz Tomorrow, Wednesday, February 24

You will have  quiz tomorrow on the verb Tener. Know the forms of this verb. Also you will need to know your different classes. See vocab given to you in class.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Chapter 2, lesson 1- The verb tener, class schedule and present tense




Vocabulary Practice

Create your own online game by using the link below. Paste the link to your game in the grid.


Include 4 vocabulary words from each section from your list in your game:
Time,On the clock,frequency, classes,Verbs, Other words, Numbers

Thursday, February 11, 2016

El Horario de las clases

1.  Audio- Listen to the audio of Pablo's clases. Fill in his classes and write the time of the class next to it. Forward the audio to 32 seconds. Listen to the information for letter B

        La Clase                         La Hora

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Midterm Outline

Midterm Outline Link:

Spanish 12 Midterm Outline

  1. Numbers 1-30
  2. Answering questions: ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿De dónde eres tú?  ¿Qué te gusta hacer?   ¿Cómo eres tú?
  3. Conjugate the verb Ser
  4. Conjugate the verb Gustar
  5. Definite and indefinite articles (the, a, some)
  6. alphabet
  7. spanish pronouns

Calendar- writing the date, months of the year, days of the week, weather expressions
Greetings and Goodbyes

Day of the Dead
South American countries
Culture from Presentations
Almost a Woman


(sentences will be read and you will have to match the picture that best describes the sentence